Feller Rate upgrades CSAV’s risk rating
From “BBB+” to “A-” and maintains “stable” outlook.

Santiago, August 1, 2024 | The risk rating agency Feller Rate reported that it had upgraded the credit rating and bond lines of Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. (CSAV) from “BBB+” to “A-” because of “the positive evolution of its investment, Hapag-Lloyd AG (HLAG), with respect to its risk profile, the large dividends distributed by the investment in the last three years and the full prepayment of CSAV’s financial debt.”
It rated CSAV’s shares “First Class Level 2” due to “its solvency and factors such as the securities’ liquidity and the corporate governance, transparency and availability of the issuer’s information,” said the rating agency.
Finally, it noted that the outlook is stable for the company’s instruments.