CSAV announces interim dividend of US$ 450 million
Santiago, October 4, 2021. The board of the Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores (CSAV) approved, in an extraordinary board meeting, the payment of an interim dividend for a total of US$ 450 million, equivalent to approximately US$ 0.00877 per share.
“CSAV has achieved positive results in its container transport business through its investment in Hapag-Lloyd, the fifth largest shipping company in the world. This dividend is a recognition to our shareholders, many of whom have been with us for years, supported us in our capital increases and trusted our business strategy” said CSAV’s CEO Óscar Hasbún.
This dividend will be paid to shareholders in October 25th, at the exchange rate published on the19th of the same month, charged to the profits of the year 2021 and will be financed with bank debt, which will be covered with the future income from Hapag-Lloyd to be received during the first semester of 2022.
This payment is added to the distribution of US$170 million made in the first semester of this year.
About CSAV: Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. is one of the main shareholders of Hapag-Lloyd AG, German shipping company and the fifth in the world of container transportation.
About HLAG: Hapag-Lloyd has a fleet of 237 containerships and a total container capacity of 1.7 million TEU at the end of 2020. It maintains a portfolio of 122 regular services and a highly diversified and balanced logistics network, with a presence in 129 countries and on the main routes globally. It is a core member of THE Alliance, one of the largest operational alliances in the shipping industry.