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CSAV participates in “empresas abiertas,” SOFOFA’s initiative to bring the community closer to companies

October 2023. As part of the “Empresas Abiertas” (Open Companies) week, an initiative developed for the first year by the Federation of Chilean Industry (Sociedad de Fomento Fabril or SOFOFA), Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores opened its offices to welcome students, parents, teachers, employees and family members who came to be part of this event.

Through a tour given by expert curator Eduardo Rivas, visitors learned about the company’s history and Chile’s maritime heritage.

On display in CSAV’s corridors are unique pieces of artwork, sculpture and models that tell different stories from throughout the years.

At the event, Eduardo Rivas was in charge of explaining and showing visitors CSAV’s collection, composed mainly of paintings, ship models, sculptures and furniture.

“It is important for the community to be able to experience art, not only art that is preserved in museums, but also art that is preserved by companies. CSAV is contributing through this initiative, which I think is very important because it has allowed different groups to see pieces that they would not otherwise have access to,” says Eduardo Rivas.

Check out our photo gallery for images from the event.