Progress on New Multi-Purpose Court Project at Padre André Coindre School
Before the start of the school year, representatives of Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores—the organization leading the project—and representatives of the school board met with the school community to review progress on the project to build a multi-purpose court, restrooms and dressing rooms. They also reviewed the contingency plan for the months during which the work will be carried out.
The meeting consisted of two workshops organized by the shipping company in conjunction with the Huella Local Foundation. At the first workshop, the project leaders unveiled the contingency plan for the beginning of the school year, which includes modular bathrooms for preschool and school children. They also presented a progress report on the works taking place on school grounds, which began nine weeks ago.
In the second workshop, the foreman from the contractor, Comasca, led a guided tour to gather observations based on the needs and apprehensions of the parents and teachers.
The activity was also attended by representatives of the San Antonio Municipal Education Office, the school principal and the entire school board.